What is WILEORC up to?
Man oh man, what a year, huh?
While all this COVID nonsense has ruined so many vacations, plans, changed the way we lived, took all our toilet paper for some reason, closed down entertainment, etc ad nauseum. Remember the good ol’ days when you could go to a packed Lambeau Field and spill beer on and high five strangers? How reckless it would seem now! And now, somehow everything is offensive, there are shortages of everything, and cities have been on fire for over a year. A lot has changed.
What hasn’t changed is the strength and bravery of our cops. No matter what has been thrown at them, they have continued to show up every day and go wherever the radio sends them. And, unfortunately, when heroes respond to danger, be it accidental or facing bad people, sometimes they get hurt. The injuries can be physical and/or psychological.
WILEORC was formed in 2014 and has been working hard to address the issues Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officers face after “that call.”
What do we do? With your support, we’ve been able to assist in numerous ways:
– WILEORC has a peer support group, which assists officers having difficulty adjusting after a critical incident, and gets those officers to help each other.
– WILEORC has attended numerous professional conferences, educating law enforcement executives, politicians, cops, and associated professionals about the issues, resources, and programs available.
– Worked with law and policy makers to assist in the passage of a bill in Madison making Workmans Comp coverage for PTSD available to First Responders.
– Partnered with SALS Recovery and other similar organizations to make secure, anonymous help with substance abuse issues.
– WILEORC provides 24/7 access to a trained police chaplain for Officers in crisis.
– During the 2020 riots in Milwaukee, WILEORC organized a fundraiser to purchase food and beverages for police officers, and delivered those items directly to the cops protecting the people of the city.
– We’ve taken officers to and from appointments related to their recovery.
– Provided college scholarships to the children of injured LEO’s.
– We’ve partnered with top lawyers and police unions to ensure that injured Officers have the best legal representation available to them.
– WILEORC personnel have traveled around the state, responding to critical incidents to provide support, and have traveled just to provide face to face peer support.
– We’ve assisted Officers in the duty disability retirement process.
– YOUR direct support has provided groceries, made mortgage payments, helped cover medical expenses, and, my absolute favorite, even saved Christmas for a family.
WILEORC personnel do not receive one penny for their efforts. We do it because we’ve seen it, we’ve lived it, and we don’t want what happened to us and our families happen to the next Officer.
We can only do it with your continued support. Your support has made everything possible, but, best of all, provides hope to Officers and families who desperately need it.
To make a donation, click here. Be sure to check out some of our fun events.
We are truly grateful for your continued support.